Kokanee Creek Park – Woodland, Canyon and Pine Trails 2017

Fourteen adults and 2 children came out on June 4 for a busy morning of brushing and clearing on the Woodland Loop and the Pine and Canyon Trails. With so many willing hands, the job was finished by noon. Needless to say, lunch, refreshments and socializing became the order of the day.

Participants in this year's "Kokanee Creek Cleanup" were Eric Sargent, Eric White, Joe & Sandy Lintz, Vivien Bowers, Hugh Ackroyd, Fred Thiessen, Roland Perrin, Ursula & Terry Lowrey, Dave Smith and Kim, Jordan, Ethan and Ayla Carter.

Thanks to our Trails Committee, Fred Thiessen, Dave Smith and Roland Perrin for organizing this successful outing and to Park Facility Operator Anne Pigeon for her help.

Ethan Carter tends to his job while mom Kim and sister Ayla look on.

Ursula Lowrey handles the clippers while Eric Sargent takes a turn as "swamper".