
The Friends of West Kootenay Parks sell tshirts, greeting cards, a print and a book to raise funds for various projects in the parks of the West Kootenay. We accept payment by $Cdn cheque or credit card (see below). "The History of Pilot Bay Lighthouse on Kootenay Lake" by Susan Hulland

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Price:  $9.95           Available at: Balfour Gill and Gift, Balfour ferry landing The Gray Creek Store, Gray Creek Otter Books, Baker Street, Nelson Coles Books, Chahko-Mika Mall, Nelson The Moyie Sternwheeler Historic Site gift shop, Kaslo, Nature Centre, Kokanee Creek Provincial Park, (summer season only)

"Slocan Chief Cabin" - signed and numbered print by Les Weisbrich SlocanChief small Price: $200.00   Click here for a link to the late artist's biography (printed prior to his death in 2006).       The print is only available directly from this website. Price includes any applicable taxes and free shipping by parcel post to anywhere in North America. Please email us at for shipping and payment details.