The Kokanee Glacier Alpine Campaign
In 1998, BC Parks initiated discussions with local user groups on the parameters for the design of a new cabin. Over the next two years, the discussions moved ahead and tenders were let for professional fundraising services.
The Campaign
In the spring of 2000, a professional fundraiser was hired to design and manage a fund-raising campaign. The campaign generated the funds necessary to build a new cabin, mitigate the impacts of human activity in the areas not specifically related to the presence of the Slocan Chief and the new cabin (e.g. remove ranger A-frame, storage buildings). A portion of the funds were earmarked for the restoration/preservation of the Slocan Chief Cabin and the installation of interpretive displays.
The Kokanee Glacier Cabin - Construction
- Construction work on the cabin began in the summer of 2002.
- The new cabin is a 1 1/2 story timberframe structure with a half basement.
- It is approximately 36 x 50 with a porch on one end. As designed, the cabin can accommodate 20 summer and 12 winter users.
- User fees for the cabin are governed by the BC Parks fee schedule for backcountry cabins. Reservations, maintenance and hutkeeping are managed by the Alpine Club of Canada under an agreement with BC Parks.
- The cabin itself was constructed from start to finish by paid labour. The size of the project and the limited summer season precluded the use of volunteer labour.
- The cabin is heated by electricity generated by a small-scale hydro generation system with propane backup. Sewage is managed on-site by a sewage treatment system.
- The design provides for "bag" showers only.
Construction of the cabin started at Hamill Creek Timberwrights where the timber frame was built. From early spring until late in the fall, the crews worked hard to finish the cabin before the winter weather arrived. To see pictures of the progress, click on the links below.
Construction Diary